27 February 2009


Inside the Male Mind:
Bait him with your body, and keep him with your brain.

Dress sexy, and stylishly. Wear something to accentuate your best body parts. Stand straight, make sure your bum looks good, lift your boobs. Trick is to tease - highlight the bustiness but don't make it overwhelming. My advice would be jeans and a black singlet. Hair down, tousled just out of bed look. Don't overdo the makeup. Just moisturiser and mascara.

Tell yourself you look a million dollars and everyone around you will think you look it.

Now how to reel him in:

  • Ask him out of the ordinary questions: first car, favourite concerts, sports team, dogs vs cats etc.
  • Share opinions on various topics rather than asking point blank tell me about yourself questions
  • Pay attention to what he's saying to take the focus off yourself. 
Men want sex, so be careful of being too dry - maintain the fun and flirting with the function. Keep him wanting to come back for more.

Have an escape route. If you feel off at all... leave. Stay in a well lit public place, and don't let him walk you to your car unless you feel safe. Make sure you park somewhere in the open.

If you don't hit it off, leave by saying "thanks for meeting with me". Don't say anything about contacting him again.

Remember, he's not out to get married. Keep it fun, carefree, and don't put any pressure on him. Don't talk about previous relationships. 

Having sex on the first date is not a no-no - contrary to popular belief. If you want to - do it. If you don't - don't. If its right - it doesn't matter when you sleep together and there's no mystery lost or any of that romantic notion stuff. Just make sure its on your terms.

Above all else, remember he'll be nervous as hell too. Be honest, be friendly and fun, and just don't expect too much.

Good luck... on behalf of me and lots of advice borrowed heavily from Steve Santagati! :)

11 February 2009

Saturn Return: The Twenty-Ninth Year

By Skye Alexander

Many of us approach our thirtieth birthdays with anxiety, even dread. We start looking for gray hairs and paying attention to ads for wrinkle creams. We question whether we are climbing the career ladder quickly enough. We hear the biological clock ticking loudly and worry that soon we will be too old to bear children.

Astrologers call the period between ages twenty-eight and thirty "Saturn Return." That's because it's the first time the planet Saturn completes its cycle through your birth chart and returns to the spot it occupied when you were born. Internationally respected astrologer Rob Hand calls Saturn Return "one of the most important times in your life. . . a time of endings and new beginnings."

For most of us, ending a phase of life that is familiar and embarking on one that is new and untried is unsettling, even painful. Few people describe Saturn Return as a pleasant period. While undergoing your Saturn Return you may find yourself turning inward and reflecting on your individual destiny. You examine your true needs and desires and the role you want to play on the world's stage. You may feel lonely and alienated from those around you, while family and friends think you are shutting them out. But this is a necessary period of consolidation, when you must retreat from the distractions of the outer world and focus on yourself at your most fundamental level. The Saturn Return is every individual's search for the Holy Grail.

Coming of Age

The first Saturn Return marks the end of youth and the beginning of the productive adult years. It is now that you truly become an adult--not at eighteen or twenty-one. You realize your need to define yourself as an individual within society and to demonstrate what you've learned. Newswoman Jane Pauley described turning thirty as having grown into womanhood. German film director Werner Herzog compared this period in his life with a maiden's loss of virginity, a line drawn across his path marking the end of his youth.

This transition into adulthood is often accompanied by a sense of urgency, a feeling that you must try to accomplish everything you've ever wanted or planned to do now. Goals start to come sharply into focus. If you have not settled into a definite career, or have been pursuing one that is inappropriate for you, you'll experience a strong push to establish yourself in a more fulfilling occupation. Sometimes this means a complete change. During his first Saturn Return Vincent Van Gogh decided to be a painter rather than a minister. More frequently it means a new direction or specialization within your chosen field.

If you have been building steadily toward a goal that's right for you, Saturn Return can be a time of achievement and rewards. Your labors bear fruit. Runner Bill Rodgers' Saturn Return marked the first of three consecutive Boston Marathon wins. William Faulkner published his first novel at age twenty-nine.

According to California astrologer Stephen Arroyo, author of Astrology, Karma and Transformation, "The quality of the entire experience and the extent to which it is felt to be a 'difficult' time depends entirely on how one has lived during the previous twenty-nine years." If you have been pursuing an unsuitable vocation or merely fulfilling someone else's expectations, Saturn can be relentless in prodding you to make adjustments.

Revising Worn Out Patterns

Saturn strips away illusions and points out limitations, allowing you to view yourself in a harsh, often unflattering light. At the same time, it endows you with prudence, practicality, and the perseverance to work hard toward achieving your purposes. Consequently, this is a good time to rearrange your career or lay the foundation for a new one.

Saturn Return almost always requires some major adjustments in lifestyle, attitudes, and relationships. Anything you have outgrown, or have tolerated but not found satisfying, must end now or be altered to meet your emerging needs. According to Hand, "Consciously or unconsciously, you are pruning your life of everything that is not relevant to what you really are as a human being."

Often interpersonal relationships are deeply affected by Saturn Return. Gail Sheehy writes in Passages: Predictable Crises in Adult Life that during this period "Almost everyone who is married will question that commitment." The U.S. Census Bureau lists the peak divorce years as ages twenty-eight to thirty. Some people experience more subtle or private adjustments in their patterns of relating, such as shifts in responsibilities. Many couples decide to become parents, not only altering their relationships but their financial obligations and perhaps their vocations as well.

If a relationship is sound, based on mutual respect, honesty, and sharing, it will probably survive the test of Saturn Return and become even stronger. But a relationship begun before the partners knew what they really wanted is likely to fall apart. Relationships that start during this period may have a "fated" or "karmic" quality about them.

When Enough is Enough

"Saturn. . . is never easy to deal with because his function is that of promoting growth," explains astrologer Liz Greene, author of Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, "and it is only frustration and pain which at present are sufficient goads to get a human being moving." This frustration and pain have given Saturn a bad reputation. But the planet's often misunderstood value lies in its very ability to evoke pain. Like the pain of an illness, it warns that something is wrong. Saturn doesn't create the problems, it merely illuminates them.

Growth is often accompanied by trepidation and turmoil. As the old self is pushed aside to make room for the new, you may feel weak and vulnerable. You want to move ahead, yet are frustrated by a fear of doing so, torn between a compelling urge to throw off everything connected with your past and an equally frantic need to cling to the familiar rather than brave the great unknown.

Even if your external world seems to be in order, your internal structure may feel as though it's being assaulted with a battering ram. Nervous conditions, irritability, depression, insomnia, and feelings of insecurity are common. Most people go through some sort of identity crisis.

Even though your Saturn Return may be disturbing, ultimately it reveals what you truly want and sweeps away the clutter that may have been impeding your progress. Your Saturn Return is a personal spring cleaning. No matter how difficult it seems to let go of inappropriate people and things, the first Saturn Return is the time to do it. For if lessons are not learned, the problems will come knocking again during your second Saturn Return at about age fifty-eight, when you are more set in your ways. Once the conflict is confronted, the tension usually subsides. You feel stronger and more capable of moving ahead.

Saturn Return is one of the most crucial turning points you ever experience, when you assume the greatest responsibility of all: responsibility for your own life.

29 January 2009


I find it heartbreaking that no matter how accomplished women may be, we often continue to see ourselves in the diminished distortion of another's view of us.
I'm ready to stop seeing myself as everyone else sees me and start portraying the real me - make them see and appreciate the person I am, and feel that I am doing all I can do to be the best I can be. Remind me of this the day I say I'm not good enough for someone, or I change my plans to suit someone else because they make me feel my life plan is not as important as theirs.
I know it will happen again - it always does - but that day when someone finally swings my way; that's when I'll know I'm dancing to the right beat.
Tonight I danced. I felt it. I wanted to be there and I was there. I had quiet in my mind. I heard nothing, thought nothing, just felt. There is nothing more liberating than freeing your mind from the clutter and noise and just being, just doing, just experiencing.  
I felt my mind and body connect for the first time in a long time. I recommend it! Feel, sense, experience, live!

28 January 2009

A lot of what passes for depression these days is nothing more than a body saying it needs work.

Trying to follow your own advice is never easy. The warning to a friend not to make the same mistakes you have, only to make them again yourself; the promising you'll live every minute like there won't be another chance, and then you let that chance walk right by.
So here I sit asking myself how I manage to feel happy and confident and brave and at the first opportunity of being able to demonstrate that I crumble like a Jenga tower with no blocks on the inside. 
Not only do I feel a sense of letting myself down for missing an opportunity, I feel down because I've now made a first impression that is not consistent with who I am. Not sure I can recover from that one, but I guess now I gotta give it a damn good shot.
Some people say that depression feels like a black curtain of despair coming down over their lives. Many people feel like they have no energy and can't concentrate. Others feel irritable all the time for no apparent reason.  I feel weak and vulnerable.  I have no energy. I feel that black curtain. I opened myself up too much today to one person who I thought would have responded in a better way. The result is that I feel damaged and depressed. I vowed to experience everything, to try new things, to not say no. Not all of things are going to be favorable all of the time to everyone.  But to feel violated a second time is damaging.
I feel flat, drained, worthless. How do you come back from that? What little breath of fresh air is required, what experience, what moment in time to make me come back from those feelings of guilt and shame? Where do you look to find the positives, when you're not even sure whether its safe enough to open your eyes and look around?
My body is need of some work - mental, physical, emotional. Its on a roller-coaster of emotion and experience and joy and hurt and pain and elation. Its my "vessel" for carrying around my thought and feelings and for showing the world who I am. I need to be happy with it so I am working out the physical aspects, but how exactly do you tackle the mental elements when every time you feel so good you suffer a set back that makes you feel vulnerable and shattered again. 
I want to cry, I want to expel the negativity and wake up tomorrow and start again. I want that confidence back. That feeling that I can conquer the world or that I can just make someone smile. I want someone to make me smile, not just my mouth, my whole body. I want to laugh again. I want to laugh from the inside out and cleanse my body of this vulnerability and shame and feel safe and empowered.
I don't believe someone else can do that for me. I need to do that for myself. Anyone who waits for someone else to bring them back from that feeling can sink so much further while they are waiting. I'm not going to wait. I'm going to pull myself through the sludge and give my body the work it needs to get back on track.
Once I've filled that void for myself I want to do it for someone else. I want to empower others to get on track and bring them selves back from that feeling of helplessness. Thankfully a lot of what passes for depression these days is nothing more than the body needing a little work.

25 January 2009

When life hands you a lemon, say "oh yeah, I like lemons, what else ya got?"

Life. Who could have picked it. We are born with no road map, no site map planning our journey. No rules, no general direction in which to head. Sure we go to school, we learn to read and write, we get a job, we get a boyfriend, we experience heartbreak, we have sex, we laugh, we cry. We makes excuses for all the things we should do but we don't. We go through phases where some things become more important than others. We make friends, we lose friends. 

But when do we really live? I mean REALLY live - those moments in you life where your heart skips a beat, you lose your breath for one second, you raise your heart rate til you think its going to burst right out of your chest.

I walked away from my text book life because I wasn't living. I was existing. But now I'm on my own. There are many sleepless nights, many lonely moments, many times where you ask yourself how much longer can I exist like this.

And then you have that moment - the one where your breath is taken away; only for a second. And you hold that memory, that thought, that feeling, and you cherish it. And you think of it when you're sad, when you're happy, when you're not thinking at all.

I don't believe we can make anything last a lifetime (except our existence) so I believe now in making the memory last a lifetime. Every moment - every conscious thought - should be lived with such intensity that it can carry you through the hard times, the lonely times, the times where you feel that existence just isn't worth it anymore.

Live every day with a little hope. Make your existence a life. Don't rely on fate or friends or astrological alignments to tell you whether you are going to have a good day, week, month. Take some control and find those moments, seek them out and enjoy the journey. 

Travel the world - we isolate our minds so much by experiencing so little. Don't go to another country and sit in a pool drinking all day (while that sounds like great fun, don't get me wrong) it is those lessons, that cultural experience that makes us so much richer in our lives, and makes our hearts and minds so much more enlightened. 

Meet new people - yeah, yeah I know - easier said than done, but consider what it means - they are not necessarily going to be a lifelong friend (but make that memory last a lifetime). Meet a new person every week. Take one lesson in life from them. Become a better person because of every individual you meet.

Don't settle. Never settle. Once you settle you will compromise every action, every decision, every moment that you could have experienced the best moments of your life. Settling is our western society's way of making sure you keep our economy thriving with gas bills, and mortgages, and cereal and nappies. Society tells you to get married, get a job, have kids, retire in a condo with lawn bowl competitions every week. That sounds like a lemon to me. Oh yeah, I like lemons, but what else ya got?

24 January 2009

Tammara: Hebrew meaning "date palm"

The Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is a palm in the genus Phoenix, extensively cultivated for its edible fruit. Due to its long history of cultivation for fruit, its exact native distribution is unknown, but probably originated somewhere in the desert oases of northern Africa, and perhaps also southwest Asia. It is a medium-sized tree, 15–25 m tall, often clumped with several trunks from a single root system, but often growing singly as well. The leaves are pinnate, 3–5 m long, with spines on the petiole and about 150 leaflets; the leaflets are 30 cm long and 2 cm broad. The full span of the crown ranges from 6–10 m.Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years. They are believed to have originated around the Persian Gulf, and have been cultivated since ancient times from Mesopotamia to prehistoric Egypt, possibly as early as 4000 BCE. There is archaeological evidence of date cultivation in eastern Arabia in 6000 BCE (Alvarez-Mon 2006). In later times, Arabs spread dates around South & South East Asia, northern Africa, and Spain. Dates were introduced into Mexico and California by the Spaniards by 1765, around Mission San Ignacio.